Our Chai Family is Growing!

The Desert
There’s a group of creative people who gather in the desert of Nevada to explore creativity. To explore new ways of interacting, new ways of self expression, they are looking to break out of the norm. They are looking to break free from the weight that holds them down, many not knowing what it is. Many are looking for Truth and Freedom and believe the desert might be the place to find it.
Many get lost in the snare of debauchery. A few find freedom in an unexpected way, they wander into a tent in the desert. A tent filled with peace and a joyful sound. They find a place where they are free to create with their Creator with brothers and sisters who unconditionally love them and are willing to sit, listen and share the Truth that sets a soul free. They find a delicious cup of chai, a place to rest and journal, a place to dance, sing, color, paint, a place that teaches them how to sit in silence and hear their creator, and some friends that are willing to sit with them and have spiritual conversations that guide a soul into freedom. The Freedom that Christ has given all of us. A freedom that the enemy tries so hard to convince us does not exist, selling his yoke of slavery.
As a family we believe that when this community experiences Creative Worship, creating with their Father will be all they want to do. It's no accident that the first recorded action of man is God bringing animals to Adam to name. What a beautiful image of God creating with His son.

The Tent
How can God move in an environment that often strongly rejects God? Many in the community seem to have very poor opinions of religion, often from negative past experiences. We have found, if you introduce this community to the true person of God in the truth of freedom of play they are very open to God.
Our Tent at Burning Man offers a contextualized proclamation of the Gospel. We create a space to play, be creative, and encounter our Creator. We serve chai and welcome the community into a peaceful and joyful space, and connect.
Drum Circle
We have a worship leader and several team members playing instruments and dancing. We share instruments and invite our guests to play with us.
When we worship, the anointing, the cloud, the atmosphere glorifies God. In this sacred space, YHWH reveals Himself to His children, people walk in and are instantly set free from oppression, the Divine Physician heals.
Truth Ceremony
We transition from Drum Circle to the Truth Ceremony with grounding breath work that invites in the life and love of the Trinity. This creates a sacred and silent space. From there, team members create small groups and guide people in hearing the voice of God themselves. We then unpack what they hear, share the Gospel, and invite people into a relationship with God.
Ultimately, the Tent is the place you want to be. Many come back every day. It is a taste of heaven on earth.

Help Us Grow
We have lots of needs as the scope of our outreach is complex; shade structures, servings of chai, generators, food, gas to haul the trailers, tickets to attend the festival.
This year our most pressing need is a school bus to fill with additional supplies and haul our camp trailer. This is a necessary improvement. Instead of renting a truck for $4,000, we can buy and renovate a bus for $15,000, to haul our trailer with and fill it with our additional supplies to support a bigger team. We also need a bigger tent to host more people for our events and more instruments for our creative worship. This is a solution that will serve us for the next decade.

Your Donation Will Be Doubled! If you give $500 it will be matched at $500 furthering your impact. Only Mar 1st-Mar 31st.
What impact will my gift have? Your donation will provide us the equipment needed to be able to execute the mission God has given. Not only this year but decades to come. potentially reaching thousands of lives. and thousands of Our mission is to create a creative space for people to explore the unseen realm, to seek God and explore who He is, in a space where there is no fear of being judged. A fear that keeps many out of the walls of American churches. Our mission is not only to go to burning man but to many other festivals and gatherings across the united states. If you have a heart to help Gods lost sheep be found this is good soil to plant your seed.

How to Donate
All donations are tax deductible, We will be taking donations through our sending agency. All Nations is a very solid organization that has been extremely sportive of our mission over the years. Their mission is to see disciple making movements in every people group of the world so that Jesus may be worshiped by every tongue, tribe and nation and that aligns with what we are doing in creative new age communities who often don't have a voice speaking the good news. To donate click the link below. Donations will be matched until we reach our financial goal of $27,500.
Progress bar is manually updated daily.
Other Ways to Participate
We need prayer. Join our intercessory team by signing up for our prayer updates and new letter. We need help with support roles; meal prep, trailer packing parties, and more. Also if you have a bus or a large tent or something you would like to donate then please contact us using the from below